Kerala is the place where the busy fast moving India slows down. A narrow strip of land with
Arabian sea on one side and Western Ghats on the other. The tropical greenery of Kerala oers a plethora
of dierent experiences and is indeed aptly dubbed "Gods Own Country". Whether one wants to
experience hill-stations, rivers, back-waters or warm sunny beaches, Kerala is the one place that gets
you all covered. Kerala also boasts of a rich heritage be its world famous Ayurveda, Kalripayattu or any
of its bewildering art forms which soothes the body and mind alike. It was the spices from Kerala that
got hold of the attention of the Ancients. Many had come in search of the treasured "Black Gold" dating
as far back as the 13th Century. Along with Cardamom, Cinnamon, Clove, Nutmeg and many more.
Kerala has also proved to be an exotic spice hub of the world. Native Kerala dishes are indeed the gravity
that constantly attracts and binds it with other cultures; be it the 5 course Sadya or the mouth-water-
Cooking is not taken lightly among keralites, they put their heart and soul into each and every cuisine they prepare. Even to the extent that they have hand crafted many dishes serving specific needs. The "Ury" was one such relic that served the bygone. It is fairly a simple rig that is used to preserve cuisines for longer periods. These "Ury’s" were usually kept at certain height from the ground with the help of coir ropes attached to the roofs. The "Ury’s" were usually used to store clay pots and other earthen ware and was very common among the keralite household. This simple yet indispensable Ury made sure that the food was kept hygienic without losing any of its avour but had a side-effect.
Here at Ury Restaurant, We humbly strive to bring you the consummation of the old and new. With our top class service interwined with the traditional cuisine, you feel the love and care of a mothers recipe while our hospitality makes you feel warm and right at home. We at "Ury" let you relish your every sensation; invariably safe-guarding your health and palate leaving you only with praises and after taste of a sweet time.